“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” – Charles Schwab
A Special Thank you to ALL of our dedicated employees who’s personal commitment to quality contributes to our continued success
Longboard Construction – Re: Jonanthan Hale-Matthews – Foreman
“After five weeks of reminding Magic Mountain to get monitoring it was left to us on Friday to make it happen. The spec for the fire alarm cable was incorrect. Jonathan turned around and came back to site on Friday night to make it happen. That is good Service”!!
Dave Steadman
Longboard Construction Inc.
Main: 403-912-4080
Soundwave Hearing – Re: Mel Drover – Service Technician
We received a call from Soundwave Hearing. They are raving about the great service they received from Melissa Drover. Anne Wolliams, said “Stampede Electric is the greatest contractor we have ever used and the service from Mel Drover was above and beyond expectations” She also said that she will definitely recommend the company and our fantastic Melissa.
Anne Wolliams
Soundwave Hearing